So,the last of my series of Rants for the time being.(do I hear your collective sigh of relief?)
As with the previous ones, I must state the use of expeletives, whilst appearing gratuitous, are in fact necessary to conjure the image I wish to create, but, as before, asterisks protect the innocent!
Today's subject is the curious phenomenon of the cut-price German owned supermarkets.
Before you read on, you should know that I use them regularly, but in this age of snob-value and oneupmanship, Aldi and Lidl have become the new Four-letter words!
They come
In their hundreds
Devoid of any class
This blistered Brit menagerie
Like flies round a cow's arse
In search of bargains
Big and small
A Fortune spent
On sweet f**k-all
And hide it all in Harrods bags
The Sharon/Tracey Uberslags
A wardrobe for a tenner seen
Of thrown-together melamine
Built in a sweat-shop in Mumbai
Or by a persecuted Thai
They hoover up this sh*t they see
It's plainly stuff that they don't need
But christ! so cheap it's almost free
This council-house mentality
Some Spanish plonk for bottom dollar
Hey, f**k the home, let's live in squalor!
While all around the bilboards scream
Surrender to your Lidl dreams.
by Kev Moore 01/06/06
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