I thought I had lain the Mighty Pen down for too long, so here's an entry from my archives to set the ball rolling again!
I'm often spirited away from the Sanctuary of Miki and I's Art and Sound studio here in Spain to perform around the world. My travels take me far and wide, and Miki always encourages me to take a notebook to write down anything that might pop into my head, such as "why are they taking my deodorant off me at the airport" and "why would I want to kill anyone with my guitar lead, I'd just buy a garrotte, it's more

One of my shows last year with BC Sweet was near Colditz castle in what used to be East Germany, and is now, well..erm, east Germany. My promoter had booked my flight back to Spain from Dusseldorf, and so I was deposited on the platfrom at Leipzig Train station and a ticket for the High Speed (ICE)train was thrust into my hand.
The poem that follows is pretty much an account of my journey on that Sunday, May 14th, 2006.
Leipzig to Dusseldorf
Steel Wheels contrive to leave the platform far behind
With world-renowned efficiency, the service leaves on time
Bahnsteigs filled with well-ordered humanity
The train departs - Tranquility
Red brick dream recedes apace
An empty seat, a weary face
Sunlight soaked suburban sprawl
Allotments, gaily coloured all
Lawns tended, Shed's mended, Answered Sunday's call
Conductor's voice intrudes upon
The soundtrack of my day
A litany of towns announced
As we speed on our way
What secret places railway tracks reveal!
The private gardens, perhaps a glimpse to steal?
And now, containered all, proceed to gather pace
As we, across green carpet landscape race
It's cargo of the young, the old
The children brought into the fold
Some on business, some for fun
Some not sure which train they're on!
But all enjoy the scenic views
White fabrik against an azure sky
And do I hear you asking why?
The reason for the journey is the trip itself
And not the destination that you choose
A gash of yellow cuts into the green
The silver ribbon of a stream
That flows beneath this mass of steel
Thrust forward on its many wheels
Relentless, this machinery
Unrivalled in its Majesty
Communes with Nature,
A great expanse of countryside
A patchwork quilt of fields abide,
But for a second, replaced at speed
By other sights
The cotton clouds caress the sky
Formless, without symmetry
And as the destination advertised
Rushes to meet our eager eyes
I'm moved to question, yet again
What genius engineered the train?
To take us there and back again
Its form and function definite
And certain to exhilirate!
To bring our loved ones closer, 'til
Its task to make Earth's curve much smaller still
Its part in Global Village played
In face of flight, or car
Its welcome never is outstayed
Romanticism, Glory Days
For surely there's no finer notion
Than the Majesty of Locomotion!
Kev Moore
(dedicated to Miki's Father, who spent a lifetime on French railways, Get well soon!)

1 comentario:
Un immense merci du fond du coeur, Kevin! I heard today that my 82 years old father must urgently be operated on his heart... awful to tremble and fear for one´s parents...
Yes, he spent his working life in the world on railways, in France, Brazil and Africa... and he was damned good at it, so I never understood why the trains in France never came on time!
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