So there I was, waiting for a film to upload onto our site, and I came up with a silly ditty. The last line has to be said with a Yorkshre accent really. In England Fish and Chips are traditionally wrapped in Newspaper, it's just the way it is. I pondered the effect of the world wide web, and the march of technology particularly in the area of news, and wondered what would happen to this quaint old tradition if newspapers were rendered obsolete, so here, with apologies for liberty-taking in the grammar, is a fanciful musing on a possible scenario!

Food for thought.
The tired old man, had a chip shop that he ran
And old newspapers he was wanting really bad.
For fish and chips it's fair to say, battered cod, catch of the day
Would taste delightful wrapped in the newsprint that he had.
But a change was abroad, and technology had scored
Direct hits amongst the populace at large
And news could now be read upon computers in your bed
Without you shelling out the price the Times would charge.
And so a crisis did ensue, with no more papers coming through
The tired old man was swiftly running out of wrapping
But he was canny, never fear, and though the end was drawing near
In chip shop business, he had rarely been caught napping.
“Im up the creek, it's plain to see, and my customers agree
Tradition's over, but Im not quite finished yet
For when I hand them over cod, unwrapped and looking rather odd,
I just smile and tell them Put it internet!”
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