It's been a windy couple of days. I know what you're's all to do with that Chicken Curry I made the other night. Well you'd be wrong (apart from that incident in the supermarket) it's been blowing a gale here in Albir recently, for up to 14 hours at stretch, and the old Palm tree's taking a bit of a battering. We've discussed getting it removed before, of course. (I'm trying to convince Miki that we need to replace it with a Jacuzzi)I think it's time has finally come. The leaves die off with monotonous regularity, and the more it grows, the harder it is to reach them and cut them down. It's a fairly unpleasant task, not to say precarious. Some time ago, I committed my thoughts on this problem to a poem, spurred on by revelations at the time of Keith Richards' celebrated plummet from one such tree.
For your delight, (With Painting from Miki, naturally!)I present;
Take the Palm Tree

Take the Palm tree, there's a thing
The pleasure that a Palm tree brings
Stunning just to look a upon
Its branches shield us from the sun
But try to trim one - Jesus Christ!
Just leave it mate, that's my advice
The little hooks will tear your flesh
At worst, they'll gash you, then infest..
..your skin,with tiny little bits
That make you squirm and scratch and itch
There is another type though, but
Concussion via a coconut
Is all you'll get for trying to
Expand your Palm tree point of view
Just ask Keith Richards, he will say
A Palm tree didn't make his day
He nearly ended up in traction
I'd hardly call that Satisfaction
So if you're an arborealist
I beg you, no, you must desist
And if you come to view my trees
Just take the Palm tree,
Take it, please!
Kev Moore 04/06/06
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