Miki had a quiet word with me the other day about my bouts of "road rage."
She drew my attention to the fact that I, apparently, within minutes of asetting off in the car, hurl abuse at the first unfortunate that happens to cross my path on the highway. The journey then inevitably descends into an expletive-ridden roller-coaster ride of terror for my hapless and unwitting passenger. I have resolved to be a more courteous and patient driver. For her sake. But for my sanity, I have to get this off my chest....
When will the Spanish learn how to drive and park???!!?? ...and why, more to the point, do the other nationalities that come here descend into the same madness???
I'll tell you why, it's the law of the jungle. Survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed. Yep, you name it, I've got a cliche for it. They park on yellow lines, on junctions, on roundabouts, simply stop halfway into a turning to talk to their bloody wife, no indicators, no hazards, and a perfunctory glance your way when you have the temerity to sound your horn. Only yesterday, we were gingerly making our way across a local junction where the rule of the highway code appears to have broken down altogether, and we were overtaken, in the wrong lane, crossing a light controlled four lane highway by some suicidal dutch nutcase.Even Miki expressed some mild concern (this is the equivalent of apoplexy in ordinary mortals) I actually burst out laughing, so ludicrous was the maneouver.
Miki believes that the problem is a logistical one, the area is growing at such a phenomenal rate, there simply isn't the infrastructure to cope with parking facilities for all the additional cars, but that hardly explains why they swing merrily from lane to lane on the autoroute doing a convincing imitation of having sold their indicators, does it?
Oh, I can rant and rave against it all day, but I can feel it happening, ever so slowly, insidiously, creeping up on me like a bad winter cold...I'm..becoming like them. I'm beginning not to care..block someone in because I cant find a space? No problem!! Triple park on the main road? Thats me, mate! Park on a pedestrian crossing so oncoming drivers cant see the poor sods stepping out? Bring it on!
What? Its illegal? Don't blame me, it's the infrastructure mate!