A cautionary poem for the forthcoming Easter break..........
Little Arabella stood and stamped her tiny feet
"It's Easter time!" she wailed, "And I want lots of things to eat!"
Her parents turned the other cheek, ignored her pleading cries
So naughty Arabella an ingenious scheme devised
She left the house in dead of night, with housebrick and a torch
Her heart was beating faster as she raced from her front porch
Down the high street, fast as light our Arabella flew
Arriving at the superstore at quarter after two.
She heaved the housebrick through the air, and shattered all the glass,
Alarm bells began ringing, so she started moving fast
A shopping trolley close at hand was filled with such delights
She pushed her egg and chocolate hoard back out into the night
The sirens wailed, police had failed, to catch our little girl
For she was in the park, consuming fudge and chocolate whirls
Her face all brown and chocolatey, egg after egg she munched
And just for fun, a sticky bun, and treacle biscuit crunch
She cleaned her face and home did race, though feeling rather queasy,
(For running when your stomach's full is rarely ever easy)
Her head soon hit the pillow and when morning came around
To see her face you'd think she was the sweetest girl in town
But mummy came to wake her, a smile was in her eyes
"Is my little girl awake? .. because I've got a nice surprise!"
"Look Arabella, here's your Easter eggs, I'll leave them by the door!"
Arabella took one look and promptly threw up on the floor...
Kev Moore 2007